March. The month it all changed. One of the longest and most intense times of my life. Of most people’s lives. Is there even that much point talking about it? Can I even remember what life was like at the beginning of March?
Well, I’ll do be best, and luckily I have been blogging quite a lot throughout the month so we can at least see where my mind was at. Just a month ago I was telling you how prepared I was for the virus and how I wasn’t changing too much but focusing on my latest passion project, making video games.
Well, that has all changed. And about a week into March I completely stopped the video game work and shifted gears to working as hard as possible to try and survive and thrive the coronavirus.
I started off by doing a lot of planning which I outline in great detail in my Survive and Thrive the Coronavirus series of blogs. Click on each link to read the full post:
And also covered it on my podcast The Lazy Entrepreneur.
I’m not going to rehash everything again. But very quickly I split down my actions into reducing risk, earning more money, and finding good investments.
After the planning phase, I spent a lot of the rest of the month ‘working’ through my ideas.
To reduce risk in March I…
Suggested Post: Digital Nomads Are In The Best Position To Weather The Pandemic
To earn some quick money in March I…
To earn some longer-term money in March I…
Some opportunities I invested in March were…
So I am getting through my planning list. But still have a lot to do! April is going to be another very busy month.
Now let’s talk a little about my businesses:
I co-founded and run Pipehouse Gin. This is not a good time to be an alcohol producer. Most of our sales are wholesale to other businesses, and almost all of those businesses are currently closed.
And to make matters worse, most of our customers are on 30-day payment terms. Will they ever be able to pay? New Look (who don’t sell alcohol but is just an example) have declared they won’t pay any of their suppliers. And they have an online store and a huge brand. Imagine how much worse bars and restaurants are currently hurting? And the temptation they are feeling to just not pay their bills.
Having said that it could be worse.
Completely due to luck, our debtors are remarkably low – only about 25% of normal. And of those debtors, we expect most to be able to pay. It looks like there is only a few thousand pounds at risk. We also had a big expansion plan we were going to launch in March, but that got pushed back due to our un-organisedness. It’s very lucky it was! We also saw a big jump in online direct-to-customer sales giving us a profit in March.
April 2020 may be our first-ever losing month. But we won’t lose much and will be able to bounce back quickly if/when this is all over.
And there may also be some long-term opportunities. For instance:
Suggested Post: Starting a Gin Brand Episode 1: Doing The Research
I run two table tennis businesses where we make sports equipment and primarily sell through Amazon.
And March was actually a pretty good month for sales. Within a few percentage points of February and a big increase on March 2019.
How come? Well, there are two forces at play that seem to be balancing themselves out:
More people are shopping online VS Amazon are struggling and delivery times can be as long as a month.
I assume that will continue in April with sales slowly dropping. But only by 10-15%. If this is all over by the end of April we will be fine with barely any impact on the business.
But it probably won’t be. And there is one big looming issue: Stock.
We are OK for stock currently. In fact we are actually pretty good. If you are a regular reader of my monthly reports you will know we had a lot of stock problems early last year and have been stockpiling ever since. We now have a stockpile of 500% more than we did last year.
But we will run out eventually and there is the chance that the virus will continue for another 6 months or more. So we have started preparing for that: We have completely stopped any marketing, put everyone but me on furlough, and 99% automated the business.
Suggested Post: How to start an Amazon FBA business
Traffic took a really big hit in March and the first half was the worst I’ve had in five years. That is because my three most popular topics (Amazon FBA, Matched Betting, Gin) are suddenly not relevant anymore. Amazon isn’t taking new stock, all sports are off, and all bars are closed!
But in March I also really upped my work effort on the blog. I wrote seven blog posts, which I think is the most I’ve ever written in one month?
And rewrote or updated quite a few other posts and pages. The effort paid off and my traffic for March ended up being not too bad. Just a bit below the average for 2019.
The blog made £4,629 in March. Which is pretty good but as most of my payments are a month or two delayed it doesn’t really reflect the new reality. April and May income will be more telling.
So there you have it! What a month.
It has really made me realise how lucky I am. Everything about my life and businesses puts me in the top 1% of people going into this crisis. I have no debt or mortgage. My businesses are very lean. My lifestyle means I can go or stay anywhere. I’m young and healthy. I have savings. And I’m British and have access to the NHS.
So what am I doing to help?
Staying at home. Donating money to my key causes (homelessness and domestic violence). Spending more at local businesses. And learning TikTok dances to entertain my sister. Nothing heroic or unusual but hopefully having a small bit of positive impact.
If you’re interested in my giving strategies, check out this post. It’s from 2016 and not about the virus but still useful: How To Give To Charity Effectively And Efficiently
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