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Every Business I Have Started That Failed

Every Business I Have Started That Failed

I have a had a few successful businesses. I’ve created a successful sporting goods brand, built and sold a tech startup, and started a popular coffee shop. But those are the odd ones out. I have failed at far more businesses than I have succeeded at. I...
18-Month Blog Earning Report

18-Month Blog Earning Report

The blog has now been going 18 months. Mental! I’ve written over 50 posts, spent countless hours on it and had over 250,000 visitors. What fun. But more excitingly, the blog has started to become a decent income source. At the one-year point, the blog had made a...
Riding The Storm Of A Stock Market Crash

Riding The Storm Of A Stock Market Crash

For the first time since I have been seriously investing in the stock market, I am faced with a crash. I first started buying stocks and shares back in 2011 and enjoyed a very comfortable ride for the first few years. Then, just after the end of the tax year, I...