Dec 1, 2016 | Income Reports
There is a newer income report out. Read it here: Half-Yearly Blog Income Report, Dec to May 2017 I have a very exciting announcement to make. This blog now makes a full-time income. It makes the same as a graduate working in London. That’s crazy! Since the last...
Sep 7, 2016 | Income Reports, Publishing
In mid-August last year we launched our book. We’re going to sell thousands, I thought. And because we are self-published we’ll be able to keep most of the royalties and be rich! On the surface, those hopes weren’t completely absurd. The book was...
Jun 1, 2016 | Income Reports
The blog has now been going 18 months. Mental! I’ve written over 50 posts, spent countless hours on it and had over 250,000 visitors. What fun. But more excitingly, the blog has started to become a decent income source. At the one-year point, the blog had made a...
Jan 11, 2016 | About Me, Income Reports
2015 seems to have flown by. It has gone so fast that my first instinct is to assume that it has been uneventful. In fact I think 2015 might have been one of my laziest years ever, I have probably spent more time ‘thinking’ or in the clouds than ever...
Dec 1, 2015 | Income Reports
Wow, I can’t believe I have been writing plugging away at this site for a year now! That’s crazy. I had high hopes when I started, but I also have a history of getting excited about projects and then quitting shortly after the end of the honeymoon period....
May 25, 2015 | Income Reports
“So. What do you do for a living?” Has got to be one of the most common questions that people seem to ask when we first get introduced. It is a question that has been causing me an unnecessary amount of stress. What do I say? I sometimes say I started a...