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Recommended Reading

There are some great blogs and books out there, here are some of my favorites. I hope you enjoy!

My top non-fiction books

  • Freakonomics – A really great book looking at how economics shapes the world while answering some very important questions: ‘why do drug dealers live with their mums?’.
  • The 4-hour work week – A classic. I challenge you to read it and not reassess your attitudes towards work and money. Tim Ferris pretty much started the “lifestyle design” movement.
  • The Intelligent Investor – If you’re going to read one book about investing then this is it. Warren Buffet, the most successful investor ever, calls it “By far the best book on investing ever written”.
  • Outliers – The book that started the much quoted “10,000” hour rule. It’s a good book about what it takes to be successful. Plenty of gems.
  • The social animal – Probably my favorite book from the ‘self improvement’ category. A really interesting study into how the brain works told through the life of a fictional couple.
  • Meditations – Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Empire and probably one of the most powerful people to have ever lived. He was considered to be a living God and truly had absolute power. What is it like to have so much power and does absolute power really corrupt absolutely? He wrote Meditations for his own personal consumption and it is one of the most humbling inspiring pieces of work I have read.


My favorite blogs

  • Mr Money Mustache – This blog was the first to get me thinking about financial independence and early retirement. He retired at 30 from working just a normal job but by aggressively saving and intelligently investing. There is a lot of great wisdom in his posts and is a real eye opener to what is possible with counter cultural thinking.
  • Monevator – My go to blog for anything to do with finance and investing. It got me onto both the Vangaurd Lifestrategy funds where I invest most of my money, and told me which broker was the cheapest.
  • Smart Passive Income – An epic blog covering almost every part of creating a passive income stream. Even better is that Pat, the blogger, posts a detailed breakdown of his earnings each month.
  • James Altucher – James Altucher is a nutter. He sees the world from a different view point than most people and has some great insights into business. He also always tells the truth. You know all those embarrassing memories you hope noone will ever find out about? Well he tells you all of them. It’s quite a roller-coaster.