I’m Sam Priestley and this is my blog where I share my experiences and insights gathered from the last 15 years working for myself. I hope you find the articles useful.
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The Lazy Entrepreneur
I have a secret. A secret that I really shouldn't be telling you about. Something so bad and looked down on that by admitting it I am making myself almost unemployable. Something I have tried to hide and that most people won't believe. I am really incredibly lazy. Can...
How To Turn An Idea Into A Business
I believe that turning an idea into a business, or becoming any sort of entrepreneur, is all about the little logical baby-steps. Each step should be obvious, without the need for any massive risks or blind jumps. The key is to keep getting validation at each step you...
How to Self-Publish an Audiobook
I am completely in love with audiobooks. I have listened to thousands of hours of books and podcasts, and that's not even an exaggeration. So with the launch of our latest book, Expert in a Year, you will not be surprised that Ben Larcombe and I really really wanted...
Can You Buy/Sleep/Pray Your Way To Happiness?
Most people, if pushed, would tell you that what they want most out of life is happiness. But despite its importance, we really know very little about it. The question of 'how to be happy' has been keeping philosophers in business for millenniums! I've researched...
The Maths Behind My London Property Investment
If you're a regular reader of this blog, you may have gathered that I'm not the biggest fan of property as an investment. It's illiquid, undiversified, the fees are expensive and dealing with tenants can become a second job. But having said all that, I'm also a...
Introducing The Expert In A Year Book
Dear Beloved Readers, Today is a big day for me, it is the day when I can finally give myself another pretentious job title. That's right, I am now officially an author! The Expert in a Year book], which we have been working on for the last seven months, is finally...
Retire by 40
The definition of retirement is changing and we're all screwed. According to the government: "Default retirement age (formerly 65) has been phased out - most people can now work for as long as they want to." Well. Thanks a lot.... that's one way of putting it! Even...
Daily Ideas – Turn Yourself Into An Ideas Machine
I believe that coming up with good ideas is a skill, and just like any other skill it needs to be trained. Your 'ideas muscle' can be given a regular workout simply by coming up with daily ideas. I didn't come up with that myself, I stole it from James Altucher and...
Step-By-Step Guide to Creating and Selling a Physical Product
What would spring to mind if I told you I make a living designing and selling table tennis equipment? Would you imagine me standing on a street corner trying to convince unwilling passers-by to purchase my products? Or perhaps you'd picture me inexpertly trying...
My First Month Of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
There is no beginners course at my gym, it's straight in at the deep end. Sink or swim. I turned up for my first session without a clue what to expect. I had done a bit of googling but really my entire knowledge of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu could be summed up as: "no...
Blogging & Thinking Outside The Box With Ben Larcombe
This is an interview that I had been looking forward to doing for a long time. Ben Larcombe is one of my closest friends, he is the coach behind the Expert in a Year challenge, we have been business partners on quite a few ventures and he is the founder of probably...
How to Write and Publish a Book in 3 Days
As you many know, Ben and I are currently attempting to write a book about the Expert in a Year challenge. It's going well, we've written roughly half and are solidly on track for our 9-month deadline. Our plan had originally been to go the self-publishing route, but...