I’m Sam Priestley and this is my blog where I share my experiences and insights gathered from the last 15 years working for myself. I hope you find the articles useful.
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Starting a Gin Brand Episode 2: Creating The Recipe & Branding
This is the second instalment of our adventure trying to create our own brand of gin. In this post we cover weeks three to five. Episode 1: Doing The Research - Our first two weeks EDIT: There are now five instalments in this series. Find them all here. And spoiler,...
Starting a Gin Brand Episode 1: Doing The Research
I want to start a brand of gin. I want to do it cheaply (ideally for around £10k or less) and make lots of money from it. Easy huh? And I am going to write about it in real-time so you can follow along and see it succeed, fail or just meh. Edit: Episode 2 is out...
How To Make Money Arbing And Avoid Getting Your Accounts Closed
Arbitrage betting (known as arbing) is a risk-free way to gamble profitably. It is actually very easy to make money arbing, but much harder to stay under the radar and prevent your accounts from getting closed. In this article, I will introduce you to the concept of...
Blogging And Digital Marketing Encourages You To Be An Arsehole
As a blogger, I am not rewarded for being nice. I am not rewarded for everyone agreeing with what I say or people liking me. I am rewarded for being an arsehole. 99% of my visitors find my site from Google. So let me explain how Google works. They don't rank your...
The Power Of Naivety, And Why I Am Choosing Ignorance
When I was a pudgy 16-year-old I told my girlfriend that I would win a fight against this 6f10” athlete we both knew. I was completely un-self-aware of my weaknesses and full of entirely misplaced confidence. I thought I was the best and could do anything. As I’ve...
Forget Sales Funnels, Build A Sales Net To Catch A Whole Niche
Often people think about business as a funnel. You get someone in at the beginning, and then take them on a journey where at each step you try and upsell them. There is usually one entrance point, and all the upsells are value adds or a better version of that original...
Working Smart and Working Hard Is Not Enough. You Need To Be Creative
I used to think that creating a good income outside of getting a traditional job was easy. And that anyone who put in enough time and effort would make it. All of my friends who have quit (or never got) jobs and decided to do their own thing have succeeded. Every...
Become A Professional Gambler: The Seven Ways To Make Money Gambling
I have always been fascinated by beating the casino at their own game and in 2009 with the financial crisis in full swing that fascination became an obsession. But after lots of trial and error, experimenting and false starts I finally was able to turn that obsession...
How To Start A Vodka Brand On A Shoestring Budget (Updated)
I really want to create a brand of gin. I want to do it remotely, make it scalable and as a one-man band. All on a shoe-string budget. But every distillery I have contacted has laughed in my face: "It's too hard", "the laws are too strict". So I was delighted to be...
Profit Accumulator Review 2017 – Matched Betting Software Compared
In this Profit Accumulator review, I will take a look at how useful Profit Accumulator is to a matched better. Ask if it's worth the money, and compare it to its competition. Profit Accumulator popped up about four years ago and revolutionised the industry by being...
Why Is It So Difficult To Give Away $12,000?
Last week I announced I was giving away $12,000 to wannabe entrepreneurs. Rather than excitement, it was received with scepticism and hostility. I have called them entrepreneurship grants. 12 no-strings-attached easy-to-apply grants of $1,000 each. I expected the post...
Entrepreneurship Grants – $12,000 To Help You Start Your Business
Applications for all entrepreneurship grants have now closed. Congratulations to all the winners! Between March 2017 and March 2018 I awarded 12 entrepreneurship grants of $1,000 each to help budding business owners launch or grow their dream. This page is the...