Hello and welcome back to another monthly report. Last month I complained that I spent too much times playing video games and not enough working. Well I ended up doing almost exactly the same number of hours of work this month – 44% of my target of my target of 165. But this time video gaming weren’t wholly to blame.
In the latest episode of The Lazy Entrepreneur Podcast we talked about the pros and cons of focusing on multiple businesses vs just one. One of the advantages of having multiple projects is that when you hit the wall or struggle with motivation you can flick to the another one.
Maybe that is what is going on here? Is there an underlying struggle for motivation? Or maybe it is just other interests taking over…. here is how I spent my time in February:
Despite another half-arsed month of work, I managed to get a lot done.
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Pipehouse Gin is my craft gin business and February was a good month. Both our trade and online sales are growing and the strategy changes we made in January are starting to pay off.
The main thing we decided was that we were going to focus more on online sales and marketing, and let the local and wholesale businesses become more self-sustaining.
Ironically that means that we actually spent quite a lot of time in February on the wholesale/trade side of the business. Trying to get it more self sufficient and not reliant as much on us.
Emma has spent quite a bit of the month working with our local distributors. Going on day trips with their sales reps and educating them on how and why they should sell our gin. The plan is that we will slowly shift the job of door-to-door sales onto them.
You may remember that we have really struggled to get in with large wholesalers. Well we are still struggling. But the more we learn about the industry the less we think that they would be a good fit anyway. They will not sell our gin, rather they will deliver orders for our gin. So the pressure would still be very much on us to get those sales.
Instead we are switching our focus to local distributors. Where we can build personal relationships with the sales reps and where we will be one of their only craft gins, not just another on a long list.
The other big focus of February was perfecting our new flavour. We finished the recipe creation before Christmas but have been working on scaling it up so that the recipe I make in the single bottle distillery in my house will work at 200L scale. Harder than it sounds!
But we are finally there and our latest flavour is currently in production. I don’t want to spoil the surprise but we have a lot planned for the launch. Watch this space!
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I run two table tennis brands Palio & Eastfield Co. And to be honest we are struggling a bit, particularly with Palio. One of the factories we work with has been taking on more and more work and are getting slower and slower at completing our orders which is holding up our entire supply chain. We had stock issues all through the later part of 2019 and still have stock issues now. Sales are down, but even if they were up we are pretty much at capacity of what we can produce.
The problems of success! But how are we going to solve it? Well for one it has really revealed that we have a lot of exposure to one single point in the supply chain, which is a lesson worth the cost. Here is how we plan to solve the problems:
1 – We have rented a warehouse to build up a backlog of stock so that we aren’t as reliant on a single delay. We did this in December.
2 – We are looking for other factories that can step up and take on some of the manufacturing load.
Number 2 is much harder than it sounds because we need very specialised factories to make our equipment. And there aren’t actually that many out there. And keeping consistency across multiple manufactures based in a different continents is going to be tough. But also a new learning experience that I am quite looking forward to solving.
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The podcast! My favourite project right now. On each episode I discuss a topic to do with entrepreneurship or the lifestyle around it that I am currently thinking about.
I published 9 episodes in February and a have a few more that are recorded and just need editing.
Listen to The Lazy Entrepreneur Podcast now:
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