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Levelling Up In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Levelling Up In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

In mid-April 2015 I set a challenge to “get really good at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu” in one year. I had no idea what “being really good” meant. I didn’t even really know what Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu was. But I was a bit full of myself and thought...
Learn Voraciously

Learn Voraciously

A friend recently told me that she thought I was much cleverer than her. Now that is an awkward first sentence to a blog post. In fact, it’s the sort of incident that I would normally try and laugh off as quickly as possible. But this time it was so blatantly...
The Digital Renaissance and The Modern Polymath

The Digital Renaissance and The Modern Polymath

We live in a world on specialties. “What do you do?” or “what did you study?” is the opening line of thousands of conversations around the world. We love to know what someone does in order to define them. “Oh, you’re a...