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The Digital Renaissance and The Modern Polymath

The Digital Renaissance and The Modern Polymath

We live in a world on specialties. “What do you do?” or “what did you study?” is the opening line of thousands of conversations around the world. We love to know what someone does in order to define them. “Oh, you’re a...
Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Have you ever had that feeling of butterflies in your stomach? Your heart racing, your hands starting to sweat? That horrible, crippling feeling of nervousness and fear? Some people just seem to be naturally confident. Well good for them. But if you’re like me...
My First Month Of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

My First Month Of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

There is no beginners course at my gym, it’s straight in at the deep end. Sink or swim. I turned up for my first session without a clue what to expect.  I had done a bit of googling but really my entire knowledge of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu could be summed up as:...
Hobby Arbitrage – Learn Skills, Make Money, Become Happier

Hobby Arbitrage – Learn Skills, Make Money, Become Happier

Hobbies? Who has time for hobbies these days! Well, we should all make time. Having a hobby is one of the best ways to increase your happiness, the evidence is pretty convincing on that. But hobby’s are expensive and time consuming. So how do you choose which one to...