Jan 11, 2016 | About Me, Income Reports
2015 seems to have flown by. It has gone so fast that my first instinct is to assume that it has been uneventful. In fact I think 2015 might have been one of my laziest years ever, I have probably spent more time ‘thinking’ or in the clouds than ever...
Jan 19, 2015 | About Me, Health & Happiness, Learning
In December 2013, my friend Ben talked me into taking up what he called the Expert in a Year challenge: “Do you fancy playing table tennis every day for a year? I think that if you do the right training you can get into the top 250 players in the UK – a...
Dec 26, 2014 | About Me, Income Reports
Merry Christmas! A time for reflections and resolutions. It has been quite a year. I have played table tennis almost everyday in the Expert in a Year challenge, started a coffee shop, jointly bought a buy-to-let flat in Sutton, became the best selling table tennis bat...