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#43: Don’t Compete On Price

“Don’t compete on price, it doesn’t matter what business you’re doing, you should probably go in more expensive than you think you should.” -Sam, on setting ambitious prices Whatever your business is you shouldn’t try and beat your competitors...

#41: Who Do You Want To Be?

If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be? I believe that we can change our personality and so in this episode we discuss our role models and who we want future Sam and Emma to be. Resources Mentioned In This Episode Of The Lazy Entrepreneur Podcast: Girl...

#40:Entrepreneur’s Guilt

Sam on working incessantly: “There’s always going to be more that could be done, that’s why people like Elon Musk work 24 hours in a day… But I don’t want to be Elon Musk. I’m not trying to get us to Mars. I’m trying to enjoy my life.” Resources Mentioned In...

#38: Marketing Is The Hardest Part

When starting a business the setup and ideas phase are what we normally focus on. And that is what most gurus or courses teach. But the reality is that that is only the beginning. Getting sales and customers is going to be your main job and the hardest job. But also...