Aug 31, 2016 | Business Ideas, Entrepreneurship, How-To
I have gone over to the dark side and done something I never thought I would. I have started my own consultancy business. As someone who is known for being rude about consultants… what a hypocritic. Ok, wait a second, I’m sorry! But let me explain....
Oct 6, 2015 | Business Ideas, Entrepreneurship, How-To
I believe that turning an idea into a business, or becoming any sort of entrepreneur, is all about the little logical baby-steps. Each step should be obvious, without the need for any massive risks or blind jumps. The key is to keep getting validation at each step you...
Sep 16, 2015 | How-To, Publishing
I am completely in love with audiobooks. I have listened to thousands of hours of books and podcasts, and that’s not even an exaggeration. So with the launch of our latest book, Expert in a Year, you will not be surprised that Ben Larcombe and I really really...
Jun 8, 2015 | Business Ideas, Entrepreneurship, How-To
What would spring to mind if I told you I make a living designing and selling table tennis equipment? Would you imagine me standing on a street corner trying to convince unwilling passers-by to purchase my products? Or perhaps you’d picture me inexpertly trying...
Mar 28, 2015 | Best, Business Ideas, How-To, Publishing
As you many know, Ben and I are currently attempting to write a book about the Expert in a Year challenge. It’s going well, we’ve written roughly half and are solidly on track for our 9-month deadline. Our plan had originally been to go the self-publishing...
Jan 9, 2015 | Best, Entrepreneurship, How-To
“What did you do this Sunday?” “Well, I went to church” “Oh… cool.” Well, churches aren’t cool. He doesn’t think they’re cool. That’s the end of that conversation. In November 2012, after a little over a year of on and off preparation we met with the...