Nov 5, 2018 | About Me, Income Reports
Welcome back to another monthly report. October was a great month because I have finally completed on the sale of an investment that for complicated reasons has taken about two years and a lot of work to sell. I definitely find it difficult to be optimistic and focus...
Oct 21, 2018 | Investing & Saving
This week I completed on the sale of some properties I had invested in, leaving me with a large bank balance and a very good problem to solve. Where shall I invest this money? Normally my strategy is pretty simple: I max out my ISA each year on the Vanguard 80% ACC...
Oct 9, 2018 | Entrepreneurship, How-To
This post is going to be a short one about the mechanics of how exactly you set up a business in the UK. And I am writing it because I want to get over the excuse of ignorance. Loads of people have great ideas but fall at the first hurdle. They don’t know what...
Oct 2, 2018 | About Me, Income Reports
Welcome back to September’s monthly report, it has been one of those months that flew by and I can’t believe it is already over. Progress has been up and down. The most exciting thing to report is that our new business Pipehouse Gin is now firmly in the...
Sep 3, 2018 | About Me, Income Reports
Welcome back to another monthly report. August was a pretty bad month. I really struggled with motivation towards the end of the month after spending a couple of weeks on holiday doing nada. And to make matters worse I hit stock issues with almost all my businesses,...
Aug 3, 2018 | About Me, Income Reports
Welcome back to another monthly report. July was a quiet month with lots of self-reflection. I like to pause every now and again and assess how happy I am with my life and businesses. I sit and jot down pages of notes and ideas. Brand new businesses, new angles for...