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The Lazy Entrepreneur

The Lazy Entrepreneur

I have a secret. A secret that I really shouldn’t be telling you about. Something so bad and looked down on that by admitting it I am making myself almost unemployable. Something I have tried to hide and that most people won’t believe. I am really...
How To Turn An Idea Into A Business

How To Turn An Idea Into A Business

I believe that turning an idea into a business, or becoming any sort of entrepreneur, is all about the little logical baby-steps. Each step should be obvious, without the need for any massive risks or blind jumps. The key is to keep getting validation at each step you...
What Happens When Your YouTube Video Goes Viral?

What Happens When Your YouTube Video Goes Viral?

In the last week over a million people have watched me prancing around in short shorts playing table tennis… How on earth did that happen?! Bzzzzzzt. Bzzzzzt. Bzzzzt. As I slowly gained consciousness, I blinked bleary eyed at my phone. 3am, the phone said. You...