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I’m Sam Priestley and this is my blog where I share my experiences and insights gathered from the last 15 years working for myself. I hope you find the articles useful.

About Sam

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Investing Made Easy

Investing Made Easy

Ever since launching this blog quite a few old friends have got in touch to ask for advice. You'd think they'd want to know about table tennis, coffee, gambling, or anything really that I claim to be a bit of an expert at. But nope, the most common thing I get asked...

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5 Biggest Business Mistakes I Have Made

5 Biggest Business Mistakes I Have Made

I'm not your standard business or money blogger. I don’t have any spectacular stories of successes. I don’t have any profound lessons I've learned from massive failures. I haven’t started a billion dollar company and I haven’t lost it all, gone bankrupt and ended up...

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Should I Try and Spend Less or Earn More?

Should I Try and Spend Less or Earn More?

Which do you think is better worth your time: spending less or earning more? It’s actually a harder question than I initially thought. There are some important pros and cons to both, and they’re not immediately obvious. A pound saved is worth more than a pound earned...

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Rising House Prices are Bad for Homeowners

Rising House Prices are Bad for Homeowners

Warning. This post is a bit of a rant. It really bugs me when we read about the households “enjoying house price rises”. Really who apart from landlords enjoy rising house prices? Well people like me who would like to buy a home at some point certainly don’t, everyone...

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Funding Circle – Get a Higher Return

Funding Circle – Get a Higher Return

This article was written in 2014 and quite a lot has changed! A lot about this article is still relevant, but you may be more interested in my most recent post on peer-to-peer lending and why I am moving my money from Funding Circle to Ratesetter. Out of all the...

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High Stakes Entrepreneurship

High Stakes Entrepreneurship

It’s 6am in December 2012 and I'm sitting in our office waiting for a prospective angel investor to arrive. Normally I hate getting up early in the morning but I'm currently so stressed out and not sleeping I would be awake anyway. I'm on my second coffee, because...

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