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I’m Sam Priestley and this is my blog where I share my experiences and insights gathered from the last 15 years working for myself. I hope you find the articles useful.

About Sam

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How To Start A Supper Club In Your Home

How To Start A Supper Club In Your Home

Every couple of weeks for the last year, we have welcomed paying guests into our home. Emma, my wife, cooks us a delicious three-course meal. And we all sit around a table together, eating, drinking and chatting.  What I have just described is a business known as a...

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How To Get Customers For Your Business

How To Get Customers For Your Business

We are going to cover 10 different strategies you can use to get customers for your business. For each one I will give some tips on where to start and show real life examples from my businesses. They work and can be used by everyone, whether you have a coffee shop, a...

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Starting A Gin Brand Episode 3: Delays & Legal Schmeagols

Starting A Gin Brand Episode 3: Delays & Legal Schmeagols

This is the third instalment in my quest to start a gin brand on a shoe-string budget. If you're just joining us now you should probably read the first two posts: Episode 1: Doing The Research and Episode 2: Creating The Recipe & Branding. It has been almost three...

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