I’m Sam Priestley and this is my blog where I share my experiences and insights gathered from the last 15 years working for myself. I hope you find the articles useful.
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How To Start A Supper Club In Your Home
Every couple of weeks for the last year, we have welcomed paying guests into our home. Emma, my wife, cooks us a delicious three-course meal. And we all sit around a table together, eating, drinking and chatting. What I have just described is a business known as a...
Oddsmonkey Review 2019 – Matched Betting Software Compared
In this Oddsmonkey review, I will take a look at how useful Oddsmonkey is to a matched better. Ask if it's worth the money, and compare it to its competition. Oddsmonkey has always been a big name in the matched betting community. It is almost 10 years old I have been...
Creating and Scaling a T-Shirt Printing Business
Normally I write about successful businesses we have created. Well, today is slightly different. Today I’m writing about a business we failed to even start. This following post is from November 2015 and I am reposting it as it is still very relevant and was the...
How To Get Customers For Your Business
We are going to cover 10 different strategies you can use to get customers for your business. For each one I will give some tips on where to start and show real life examples from my businesses. They work and can be used by everyone, whether you have a coffee shop, a...
My Updated Investment Strategy – Investing In The Light Of Brexit
This week I completed on the sale of some properties I had invested in, leaving me with a large bank balance and a very good problem to solve. Where shall I invest this money? Normally my strategy is pretty simple: I max out my ISA each year on the Vanguard 80% ACC...
The Basics Of How To Set Up A Business In The UK
This post is going to be a short one about the mechanics of how exactly you set up a business in the UK. And I am writing it because I want to get over the excuse of ignorance. Loads of people have great ideas but fall at the first hurdle. They don't know what the...
Starting A Gin Brand Episode 5: We Have Finally Launched Pipehouse Gin!
This is the fifth and final instalment of my quest to start a gin brand on a shoe-string budget. And it is also the most exciting as after 9 months of work we have finally launched! You can buy your very own bottle of Pipehouse Earl Grey & Cucmber Gin on...
Make The Most Of Being Different And Stand Out From The Crowd
Arnold Schwarzenegger is an Austrian immigrant with a thick accent who went on to become one of the biggest movie stars of all time. But did you know there was a time where he got rid of his accent completely and then chose to go back? When he first moved to America...
Starting A Gin Brand Episode 4: Labels, Packaging & Marketing
This is the fourth instalment in my quest to start a gin brand on a shoe-string budget. If you’re just joining us now you can find all the other posts on my Pipehouse Gin project page. First off, I am really sorry this update has taken so long! It has been three...
I’m Getting Out Of A Rut With Some New Daily Habits
I have been complaining for a while that I am in a bit of a rut and haven't improved my as a person recently. In my year summary of 2017, I outlined what I want to change in 2018. But they were quite wishy-washy. Stuff I would like to achieve without any actionable...
Starting A Gin Brand Episode 3: Delays & Legal Schmeagols
This is the third instalment in my quest to start a gin brand on a shoe-string budget. If you're just joining us now you should probably read the first two posts: Episode 1: Doing The Research and Episode 2: Creating The Recipe & Branding. It has been almost three...
Should I Invest In Bitcoin? My Experiences, Research & Strategy
Bitcoin, the currency of regret. Where you can make money and still feel like a loser. In this post, I delve into my own experiences, do a bunch of research, and ultimately decide if I should invest in Bitcoin. In November I sold half of my one bitcoin at about $6,000...