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2016 Review & New Year Resolutions

2016 Review & New Year Resolutions

I feel a bit guilty writing this post. A lot of people are marking down 2016 as the worst year ever. But in my personal bubble, it has been pretty awesome. Maybe my best year ever? It has been a year of focusing. Which is quite out of character. I tend to get bored...

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Two Years In – My Blog Earning Report

Two Years In – My Blog Earning Report

There is a newer income report out. Read it here: Half-Yearly Blog Income Report, Dec to May 2017 I have a very exciting announcement to make. This blog now makes a full-time income. It makes the same as a graduate working in London. That's crazy! Since the last...

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Running My UK Business Without An Accountant

Running My UK Business Without An Accountant

In April 2015 my business partner and I started a new company. That in itself isn't anything special. Whenever a new project starts to make some money I like to create a company for it. But what was special was that we decided to ignore all the common advice and run...

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Levelling Up In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Levelling Up In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

In mid-April 2015 I set a challenge to "get really good at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu" in one year. I had no idea what "being really good" meant. I didn't even really know what Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu was. But I was a bit full of myself and thought I could just pick a random...

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Learn Voraciously

Learn Voraciously

A friend recently told me that she thought I was much cleverer than her. Now that is an awkward first sentence to a blog post. In fact, it's the sort of incident that I would normally try and laugh off as quickly as possible. But this time it was so blatantly untrue...

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If You Never Start, You’ll Never Succeed

If You Never Start, You’ll Never Succeed

One of my biggest flaws is that I am an eternal optimist. Even if all the evidence points to the opposite, I expect whatever I try will always work out. It is a problem. Whenever I come up with a new idea I start daydreaming about how awesome it is going to be. Then I...

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Every Business I Have Started That Failed

Every Business I Have Started That Failed

I have a had a few successful businesses. I've created a successful sporting goods brand, built and sold a tech startup, and started a popular coffee shop. But those are the odd ones out. I have failed at far more businesses than I have succeeded at. I don't regret...

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The Digital Renaissance and The Modern Polymath

The Digital Renaissance and The Modern Polymath

We live in a world on specialties. "What do you do?" or "what did you study?" is the opening line of thousands of conversations around the world. We love to know what someone does in order to define them. "Oh, you're a mathematician?" And in their heads, they start...

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18-Month Blog Earning Report

18-Month Blog Earning Report

The blog has now been going 18 months. Mental! I've written over 50 posts, spent countless hours on it and had over 250,000 visitors. What fun. But more excitingly, the blog has started to become a decent income source. At the one-year point, the blog had made a total...

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