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I’m Sam Priestley and this is my blog where I share my experiences and insights gathered from the last 15 years working for myself. I hope you find the articles useful.

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MEV And The Evolution Of Frontrunning On Ethereum

MEV And The Evolution Of Frontrunning On Ethereum

The financial game Half-Rekt (NME) is a very interesting study for anyone interested in arbitrage or front running in the dark forest of Ethereum. It was structured in a way that we can watch the entire evolution in just one day. Every hour there was a simple function...

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The $15m Eminence Defi Attack Explained

The $15m Eminence Defi Attack Explained

Early morning on Tuesday 29 September an arber/hacker found an exploit with the brand new Eminence (EMN) system that allowed them to do a flash loan and arb out $15m profit. In this post, I will go over exactly how they did it. The arb was split over three identical...

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How Crypto Flashloans & Flashswaps Work

How Crypto Flashloans & Flashswaps Work

The coolest innovation in the past year in crypto and defi are flash loans. Flash loans allow you to borrow money with no collateral provided you pay it back in the same transaction. In this post I will explain what flash loans are, how they work and what they are...

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How to Get A License Distil Gin From Your Home

How to Get A License Distil Gin From Your Home

This is a quick post telling you how I managed to get a license to distil my own gin from my house. It's actually easier than you think: In order to get a license to distil gin from your home you need to: Fill out form L5 and apply for a rectifier's license Explain...

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